Alzmetall GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 1169
83350 Altenmarkt/Alz
Harald- Friedrich- Straße 2-8
D-83352 Atenmarkt/Alz
Telephone: +49 (0) 8621 88 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 8621 88 213
Legal Status:
Amtsgericht Traunstein,
Reg. HRA 2638
Complemented by:
Harald Friedrich GmbH,
Amtsgericht Traunstein,
Reg. HRB 432
President and CEO: Michael Ebeling, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
President of the Board of Directors: Klemens Riedl, Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
VAT Nr.: DE131543242
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ALZMETALL is striving to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the presented information. Any liability for loss or for damage of any kind, arising directly or indirectly in connection with the access, the use, the performance, or request on or through our web pages or its links to other sites, will not be accepted by ALZMETALL.
The activation and use of certain links on our web pages may lead to the access of external non-proprietary websites outside. ALZMETALL has not checked these links and the contents of these linked sites and is not liable for the technical quality of their content, especially not for offered products,